Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Is there something wrong with blogger, or is there something wrong with my head? Why do my pictures from my previous post and from my header keep disappearing? I've re-uploaded the pictures from my VVG Bistro review FIVE times now, only to have them keep on mysteriously disappearing into the void every other day. It is driving me insane! Hopefully everyone can see the pictures from VVG Bistro now, but if they go again, then I give up and everyone will just have to use their imaginations. Grrr.

1 comment:

joanh said...

hey there.. it's happened to me before..sometimes if you delete a duplicate post, then blogger will delete the accompanying pictures, you have to uncheck the pictures to ensure they don't get deleted. if this is not the case, then I'm not sure... sometimes blogger is just overwhelmed and has its own agenda.