Sunday, August 12, 2007


I know that every food blogger and their mom has posted about "Ratatouille" already, but this movie just came out in Taiwan a couple of weeks ago, so that's why I was slow in jumping on the "Ratatouille" bandwagon. But for food lovers and non-food lovers alike, this movie is definitely worth watching. Luke wrote a much better review than anything I could ever write here, so read his review and then go watch the movie!


Lillian said...

What a great review! The China Post needs to promote Mr. Tsai stat. This man can write =)

My favorite line: "It's the small touches that make all the difference: the dull sheen of a well-worn copper pot, the whoosh of burners coming to life underneath an oven, the precise way a carrot round tumbles onto a cutting board." So true.

abstractpoet said...


Thanks for the kind words (and for being so forgiving of our website's lousy formatting). I don't think our little paper's going to be taking the world by storm anytime soon, but I am grateful that they let little old me expound on all manner of topics I have no business expounding upon. =)