Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What I'll Miss

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I'll miss about Taiwan when this adventure comes to an end, and the answer is...not all that much, actually. Sorry, Taiwan. It's nothing against you personally - well, ok, it is, but the amount of bitchin' and moanin' you inspire in me is too much for this post, and probably even this blog. Anyway, I guess I've been feeling rather homesick lately - I just miss my family and friends and Target so much. Then I read on Shu Flies about how she too has been feeling homesick, so she tries to think of things that she'll miss about Taiwan when she leaves. So I decided to try the same thing to try to make myself appreciate it more here, but my list looks like this:

1. the food
2. ?
3. ?
4. Come on, there has to be SOMETHING you'll miss besides the food! God, is that all you think about?

5. ?
6. Yeah, I guess I'll mostly miss the food.

Oh, the food in Taiwan. So tasty and so cheap. I will definitely miss so much eating good food, food that is simply prepared and just so honest, you know what I mean? I was recently watching Anthony Bourdain's show "No Reservations," and he said something along the lines of how you can
tell a lot about a country by how the poor eat, and I think that's so true. I mean, we're not poor by any means here, but we're certainly not making the big bucks. And yet it's so easy for us to go out and eat a meal that fills our tummies and tastes good and is healthy, and all at such reasonable prices. Like last night, we went to Tu Hsiao Yueh, and our meal came out to 370NT, even after ordering two bowls of danzhi mian (50NT) with a meatball (10NT) and a hard-boiled egg (15NT) added on, plus a plate of tofu (30NT), some vegetables (40NT), and fried shrimp rolls (100NT).

See, these are the times when I feel warm and fuzzy towards Taiwan, instead of the weeping and gnashing of teeth of usually occurs when I think too hard about what I'm doing here. I miss my meal at Tu Hsaio Yueh already.

Tu Hsiao Yueh

Zhongxiao East Road, Section 4, Lane 245, Alley 32, No. 36
(02) 2773 - 1244


Anonymous said...

It's funny... lately I've been felling the same! Home sick, french bread sick etc

abstractpoet said...

I miss fat people. And by fat people, I just mean people who are fatter than me.

joanh said...

hahah. i think if there were Targets here then we would be less inclined to miss the states. j/k stuff that i miss when i am not in Taipei? good milk tea/shaved ice/tang yuan (well i guess that is all food)... ummmm, yeah, maybe you are right.