Thursday, September 6, 2007

One Last Hurrah

I'm heading back to good ole Taipei tomorrow. In honor of my last night here in the States, I decided to do all the things that I won't be able to do in Taipei for the next several months. So I went to Target and H&M, my two favorite stores here in the States. I visited my best friend's mom, one of my favorite people in the world. And, I made these Inside-Out Carrot Cake Cookies to commemorate the last time I will be cooking with a normal sized oven and without fear of cockroaches scurrying out to eat every last crumb (not that this even happens, but I'm paranoid).

I'll be back to my regular posting schedule sometime next week (depending on my jet lag), so look out for some new reviews!


abstractpoet said...

How come you never make some delicious carrot cake cookies when I'm around? =)

joanh said...

yumm.. those look awesome! i will probably bake before i head back to taipei too!